Wednesday, March 15, 2006

In to Africa

Well it is official, well just about!! We are off to Cameroon in July. We have both sorted out career breaks from 1st July so will leave some time then, date not yet decided.

We will be living in a small town called Buea which thankfully is in the English speaking province!!

I will be working in HIV and AIDS education and training, so I am currently undertaking an online HIV and AIDS course to learn more. Joe will be working in the community IT training centre which they already have up and running. More information about the project can be found at

We have plenty to sort out before we go vaccinations, visa, flights, out house etc. We will be working entirely voluntary and will live on donations from friends and family. If you would like to sponsor us even £1 a month will give us enough to live if everyone gives, just drop me a line at let me know.